FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

What kind of information do I get if I join Naturcode?

You get to know more about the opinion of our clients.
You see where your products are being sold and, as a result, you can discover new marketsSee video Sunaran

How does Naturcode support my sales?

  • Promoting the online marketing and sales of your products on your own platform or on third-party platforms.
  • Helping differentiate your products based on their unique attributes and beyond their physical labels.
  • Providing 24/7 customer services.
  • Enabling a digital presentation of your brand with a QR on your product.
  • Helping your products sell through the opinions and ratings of other consumers.
  • Each product is referenced throughout your catalog, thus allowing cross-selling.

Does participating in Naturcode ensure that I will get more sales?

We can only ensure the possibility of survival in the current digital environment. This has become even more relevant in the current Covid-19 pandemic, which has revealed that having a professional and modern internet presence is critical for the survival of agri-food producers.

I already have a website and QR codes on my products. What benefits do I get if I join Naturcode?

Increased credibility. The main difference is that in the Naturcode platform consumers find a space where they can feel free to make impartial and transparent comments about you and your products. In this way, a message is sent to the other consumers that the platform is a source of information for them, not an advertising tool used by the producers.

What do I do if I already have a lot of labels in stock?

You can continue to use them and, in the meantime, add a small sticker with the Naturcode QR code to the surface of your product. By doing so, you can immediately benefit from an open window to the consumer and have access to structured data about the sector. Once your stock of old labels is reaching the end, you can print the Naturcode QR code on the new ones.

How much does it cost me to inform the consumer?

It’s FREE for your first two products. And, if you want to receive consumer feedback, you can have it for a very small fee.

Who guarantees that the information is accurate?

Naturcode has a Code of Ethics for all the information that the subscribing producers offer to consumers. According to this Code, penalties will be given to companies that provide inaccurate or misleading information, and these penalties will remain public and visible to consumers. In the era of digital transparency, the benefits of providing inaccurate or misleading information are very short and the consequences are especially dangerous.

If I have blockchain, can I incorporate it into Naturcode to increase transparency?

If you have blockchain or a traceability ERP you can contact us to offer it as additional information to the consumer.