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Are already using Naturcode’s smart labels

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1.350 Producers

25.675 Users

30 Regulatory rabbits

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based on its innovative proposal of the 6S:


safe, healthy, sustainable, satisfactory, social and supportive

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The 6S were created as a result of a consensus between the four motors of society (institutions, companies, universities and civil society) at the 1st Congress on Smart Labelling of Food and Beverages of Local Origin, held in Jabugo (Huelva) in March 2022, that involved all the actors involved in the agri-food chain: consumer associations, food and beverage producers, national, regional and local administrations, and scientists and technicians in the field of food.

The smart solution for food and beverage labelling

Naturcode offers complementary information to that of the main front labelling, beyond what is included in the current legislation of the European Union. In addition, it facilitates contact with producers and distributors of food and beverages.

Acknowledged by

and endorsed by

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Naturcode is the two-way channel for food and beverage products


Objective evaluations carried out by a scientific committee based on the application of the 6S framework for food products (safe, salubrious, sustainable, satisfactory, social, and supportive).


All producers who participate in Naturcode must subscribe to a Code of Ethics that is endorsed by four important consumer associations.


Exchange of useful information occurs among producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers.


Information is provided to consumers in a digital format with low environmental impact, which helps them make more responsible and sustainable consumption of food products.

Producers subscribed to date include

Fruit and vegetables
Honey and desserts
Pre-cooking and salting
Alcoholic beverages
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